“Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament – Mary Immaculate – the Church – the Poor: they are our ideal, they must fill our life; they will allow us to become like the saints and ascend to heaven.” – Fr. Domenico Masi
The founder, Fr. Domenico Masi, was the first child born to a dignified and religious couple of farmers in San Clemente (Forli), Italy on April 21, 1880. Their spiritual heritage developed in him intensely and became the final goal of his life: Love God above all things – offer yourself to your unfortunate and needy brethren.
As a young priest, he served voluntarily in the battlefields to come to the succor and comfort of the soldiers. Once imprisoned, he became the Father of all and an Apostle of Christ.
When he returned to his country, he continued giving himself to the Lord and to his favored ones: the orphans, the abandoned youth, the aged, the destitute and whosoever was afflicted with pain and material or spiritual misery. Everyone found him to be an affectionate father, a benefactor, and a down – to –earth achiever. Because of his love for the poor, he gave life to the religious congregation of the Sisters of Mary Immaculate whose rules are summarized in the great commandment: Love God and serve the poor.
Blessed like the Patriarchs of the Old Testament, at the age of 84, he died in the peace of the Lord, leaving his immense heritage of faith and charity, which he lived through his love for God and for the Church and through the testimony of his daily sacrifice, and his heroism for his beloved one: the poor. This particular charism of the Founder continues to live and be known in the Holy Church of God, together with the Apostolic work of his spiritual daughters, the Sisters of Mary Immaculate, who operate in Italy, Venezuela, in the , Paraguay and in Indonesia.