The school chapel is open the whole day and is usually accessible to the students. Students are encouraged to visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament at least once a day.
1. The chaplain is available for regular spiritual services such as Confession, Mass and Spiritual Direction
2. He celebrates the Monthly Institutional Mass (First Friday of the Month) and Grade level Masses and on special occasions.
3. The First Communion is usually offered for Grade three pupils (every September 8). They undergo lessons, trainings and other preparation for the special encounter with the Lord.
4. The Religion Coordinator plans for Spiritual nourishment through the celebration of the Sacraments, Retreat, and Recollection
5. The Sacrament of Confirmation is for Grade 6 or 12 year old student and above. The school joins with the program of Christ the King Parish and prepares the students for the reception of the Sacrament. 6. The Campus Ministry is responsible for the formation of Altar servers (KOA & LCG).